French Connections

Find Holiday accommodation in France

French Connections Mobile Friendly Website

At French Connections we lead the way amongst holiday rental websites for mobile friendly usage.

We have invested heavily in the new and growing mobile market, which includes smartphones and tablets. This audience now accounts for over 43% of our website visits, compared to 37% just a year ago and the pace of mobile usage looks set to continue growing.

Our recently relaunched website uses the latest technology to deliver a winning experience for mobile users that encourages enquiries from visitors. But don’t just take our word for it - you can check our site and pages from our competitors’ sites using the free Google Mobile Friendly Test.

Responsive Website

The latest version of the French Connections website features a modern minimalist design which also benefits mobile users and is built on a fully responsive platform.This means that the site detects what device the user is using to view the site and when in response, the site seamlessly adjusts the main content elements on the page. In this way, there is no need to maintain a separate mobile version of the site which can become out of date or may not perform as well in search engine results.

For the technically minded, our Responsive website is designed to respond to the following main sizes of screen width and resolution:

    • Extra small devices (phones, less than 768px)
    • Small devices (tablets, 768px and up)
    • Medium devices (desktops, 992px and up)
    • Large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up)

Benefits of Mobile

As well as providing a better experience for mobile users that encourages them to stay for longer and increases the chance of an enquiry, our new mobile site is also designed to perform better in mobile search results. The latest algorithm update from Google is specifically designed to reward mobile friendly sites and reduce the visibility of sites which are not mobile optimised.

Mobile usage will only increase, especially within the travel sector, where we are seeing new trends emerge such as ‘second screening’ or using a tablet or phone whilst watching TV, or users sharing links to holiday ideas with friends or family across different devices.