
French Connections

La Sérénelle - Printable booking form

Print this form, fill it in and post to the address supplied by the property owner/manager.

Full name:
Home telephone: Mobile telephone:
Fax: Email:
Arrival date: Departure date:
Adults: Children:
Names of other party members:
(please give ages of children)

BOOKING FORM PLEASE USE BLOCK CAPITALS Please return to: Mrs Eliane Goursolle, La Sérénelle, Le Bourg, Villars, Dordogne, France

Full name:


Home Tel: Day Tel:
Fax: Email:
No of days required: Arrival date:
Departure date:
Number in group: Number of beds required:
Number of children under 14 Cot needed: Yes/No

Names of other party members, please give ages of children:

I am authorised to make this booking on behalf of my party. I am over 18 years of age. I agree to all the booking conditions, which I have read. I enclose a non refundable deposit of €______being 30% of the total holiday cost. I agree to pay the balance of €_______ and a security deposit of €250, 8 weeks before the start of the holiday.

(If booking within 8 weeks of the holiday start date the full amount should be enclosed.)

Cheques made payable to :Mrs E Goursolle
Your booking is made on receipt of this booking form along with your deposit.(please check availability)

* Four courses french dinner can be provided by prior reservation : 25€ each with two glasses of Bordeaux wine.



Any cancellation on the part of the tenant must be made to the owner of the property at the earliest convenience. If cancellation is made within the eight week period prior to arrival of the tenant, the tenant remains liable for the full cost of the rental period reserved. It is therefore important that holiday insurance is taken out to cover this eventuality.

Guests should arrive on the first day of rental after 16:00hrs and must vacate the property on their departure date no later 10:30hrs.

Note: It is advisable to arrange insurance against cancellation of your holiday.

