French Connections

Find Holiday accommodation in France

This screen allows you to tell us where your property is located. You can specify to the exact latitude and longitude so potential holiday makers can see exactly where you are or you can specify the nearest nearest town and provide more detailed directions once the booking has been confirmed.

You are also able to provide more information such as a detailed description of the surrounding area as well access options and activities that are offered local to your property.

Locate your property

  1. Choose the department your property is located. The list of nearby towns will automatically update.
  2. Choose you nearest town from the list. If your nearest town isn't listed get in touch and we will add it to the list.
  3. The map will automatically adjust to the location of the nearest town. You can fine tune the position of the marker by clicking and then dragging the marker - if you want to indicate a more precise location.


Locating your property with French Connections property manager